2024-2025 USG Senator Affidavit Form

Welcome to the "USG Senator Affidavit Form" for the 2024-2025 academic year. 

Please submit your responses prior to the USG Senate meeting on September 27th, 2024. 

As a reminder, USG is IU Indianapolis' student government, therefore students must be affiliated with IU Indianapolis.

Once your affidavit has been received, you will be added to the Spot page and the USG Canvas site.

Please reach out to USG President of Senate, Wajeeha Farooqi, at usgsenat@iupui.edu if you have any questions.
Do you plan on being your organization's USG Senator for the fall and spring semesters of the 2024-2025 academic year?
By completing this document, you acknowledge that you have and understand the duties of a senator as outlined in the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) Constitution, as well as listed below. 

Duties to the Constituency:

a. Senators elected from a student organization or council shall report to their School Council, student organization, or another recognized constituency, at their regular meetings in order to keep their group informed of USG issues, projects, and events.

Duties to the Senate:

a. Senators shall be present at all regularly scheduled Senate meetings. Regularly scheduled Senate meetings for the 2024-2025 school year will be every Friday from 11am-1pm. 

b. As outlined in the USG constitution, a senator shall miss no more than the three (3) regularly scheduled Senate meetings per academic year. If a senator misses more than three (3) regularly scheduled senate meetings, their voting privileges and status as a senator will be removed. An e-mail will be sent to both the advisor and president of the council/organization, detailing the events, and asking for a new replacement senator. 

c. No alternate senators will shall be allowed. However, a representative may be sent to Senate meetings to keep the senator up to date on Senate events. This will still count as an absence. 

d. Senators shall confer with other members of their council/organization to gain opinions on Senate events. Senators are representatives of their council/organization and are encouraged to gather opinions on Senate projects so said senator shall vote in accordance with the views and opinions of their entire organization. 

By my signature below, I authorize the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Dean of Students to verify that I am in good academic standing per the requirements to seek a position under the USG constitution. 

By my signature below, I also agree that I will follow and uphold all rules and guidelines that are outlined within the Student Code of Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct of the USG Constitution. If I violate any of these rules, I understand and will accept the consequences of my actions for violating these policies.
If you have any questions regarding this form please email Wajeeha Farooqi, the President of Senate at usgsenat@iupui.edu